St. Peter’s has been in the Cazenovia Community since 1844 serving God and Neighbor.
In fact, our mission is …………
“ To grow in God’s image and spread Christ’s Kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit"
In John’s Gospel, Jesus asks Simon Peter, “ Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter answered, Lord, you know all things, you know I love you.” Jesus replies, “ Feed my sheep.” Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him and Peter responds to Jesus three times. This conversation between Peter and Jesus is evident if we are to love and follow Jesus…we must “ Feed, Tend, and Feed ,” one other in Christ’s name.
Service: Outside our Walls
St. Peter’s participates in many missions outside of our walls…Listed below are just a few. “ Cazenovia Welcomes Refugees,” is featured this month…….
The Key of St. Peter’s
Caz Cares
Cazenovia Welcomes Refugees
Episcopal Relief & Development
Rescue Mission
Crop Walk
Miracle Missions for El Salvador
Items collected for Ukraine
Cazenovia based grass roots organization working with Interfaith Works of Central New York , welcoming New Americans to the Cazenovia Area. For contact information click on get involved…….
St. Peter’s has many opportunities to serve the people within
our walls. Listed below are a few examples:
Pastoral Care
Prayer Cycle
Hospitality coffee hour
Worship Committee
Eucharistic ministers
Prays during the Pandemic Service
Property Ministers
Information Technology Ministry
Altar / Flower Ministry